Courses & Training

Contact (tel: 902-368-3303) for registration forms.
For all Safety Training Courses, we need a minimum of 8 people in a class to run it.

Training Courses at JVI including some OSSA

JVI Provincial Transportation and Safety Academy
Jan 1, 2014, Slemon Park PE

JVI, one of our Construction Association members, has an extensive variety of safety courses - contact them at 1-800-383-5957, email: .. check their website for courses of interest to you. Along with other training courses they provide training for the following Oil Sands Safety Association courses:

email them at

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Pipleline Safety Construction Course

Pipeline Construction Safety Training (PCST)
On Line Course

This course has been designed to help the pipeline worker know how to respond to worksite health and safety issues by taking the worker through the entire pipeline construction process from beginning to end.

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