ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP shall be divided into five sectors as follows:
GENERAL CONTRACTORS SECTOR - Shall include all contractors, usually employing one or more of the basic trades, such as masonry, carpentry, concrete work, and the like, being those who take contracts involving the letting of sub-contracts to trade contractors.
MECHANICAL TRADES SECTOR - Shall include all contractors usually known as trade contractors or sub-contractors engaged in one or more of the basic trades, such as plumbing, heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning, without sub-letting the same.
ELECTRICAL TRADES SECTOR - Shall include all contractors usually known as trade contractors or sub-contractors engaged in electrical contracting, without sub-letting the same.
FINISH AND GENERAL TRADES SECTOR - Shall include all contractors usually known as finish or general trades contractors and who confine their activities to these trades without sub-letting the same.
SUPPLIERS SECTOR - Shall include all those firms or individuals having contact with the construction industry not coming within the scope of general contracting, mechanical contracting, electrical contracting, or finish and general trade contracting. This sector includes manufacturers, material and supply companies, and miscellaneous suppliers such as bonding companies, insurance companies, trade journal companies, credit information companies and the like, and all other firms or individuals having direct or indirect contact with the construction industry.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP in the Association shall include:
Associate membership excludes voting privileges, appointment to the Board of Directors of the Association and integrated membership in the National Associations, and may include banks, bonding companies, insurance companies, lawyers, mortgage companies, trade journals, credit information companies, design, architectural, consulting, quantity surveying, specifications writing, financial institutions, and others involved in the industry.
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COVID 19 - CAPEI Office Announcement UPDATE 4:53 March 17, 2020 More »
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