• DATE:Tuesday,June15th,2021.
• PRESENTATIONTIME:Beginsat9:00am&concludesby10:00am.
• LOCATION:Parkdale-Sherwood LionsClub,46ValleyStreet,Charlottetown(upstairsofBingoHall).
Skilled newcomers with a professional background in construction who are
seeking to earn Canadiancredentialsintheirfieldoftraining.
•Newcomers with experience in construction trades who are seeking to successfully transition into a career in the island construction industry.
• Living in Canada for less than 10 years & either a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or a refugee with a valid work permit.
• A Canadian language benchmark placement test of 8 or higher.
• Unemployed or employed part time (20 hours or less a week).
• 8 week unpaid class room component :June28th-Aug.20th,2021
• 8 week paid work experience:Aug.23rd-Oct.15th,2021
• Connect with select professional associations-i.e.EngineersPEI,ArchitectsAssoc.ofPEI,CAPEi,etc.
• Safety training certifications, 240 apprenticeship hours & free worksite PPE.
• 30 hours of instruction in the National Building Code of Canada for Residential Construction.
• Project management presentations on blue print reading, tendering & the PMP designation process.
• Exclusive insight into PEl' sthriving construction industry, orientation to various construction trades via real world & virtual reality, employability skills, PEl's work culture, worksite tours & more!
To apply for this program, please attend the information
session with your most recent resume. {Program contact: janet@capei.ca or 902-394-3361.)This program is sponsored by the Construction Association of PEI and funded in whole or in
part by the Government of Canada.
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